fredag 23. september 2011

Upcomming anime: UN-GO

 A couple of days earlier I heard about an upcomming anime series called UN-GO. It will be aired the 13th October according to plan.

"Un-Go is an original anime set in the near future, revolving around the detective named Yuki and a boy named Inga, who continually encounter mysterious cases. Based from Sakaguchi Ango’s novel Meiji Kaika Ango Torimonocho. Meiji-era story about a detective named Yuki Shinjuro, who solves various incidents that happen in his circle of friends. The adaptation will utilize an original story set in the near future, revolving around the detective and a boy named Inga, who continually encounter mysterious cases." - The Akiba

I didn't hear anything about UN-GO before I randomly came over an illustration for the anime which looked exiting. I therefore thought of giving the series a try as I am a childish boy who judges the book by it's cover. The plot and setting might be a bit equal Guilty Crown since they both seem to enter the genres of science fiction and action. I can not remember having watched a "proper" sci-fi anime in the past, so I am really looking forward to try something new.

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